Sunday, April 16, 2006

Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Christ the Lord is risen today. Christians haste your vows to pay, offer ye your praises meet, at the Paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, sinless in the sinner's stead. Christ, the Lord is risen on high, Now he lives no more to die!

Firstly, here's a HAPPY & BLESSED EASTER EVERYONE! : )

Bbq over at Tat's earlier with Van, Peiyee, Amanda, Eliz, Cherine, Melissa, Sherry and Debbie was good! Glad I got to meet them, and catch things up! Talked bout so many things, & yes they seriously got me all stressed for O's! Oh, and I finally got to see Tat's mom, missed her!

Okay I'm thinking of closing my blog down,
there's nothing else to say.
Oh well, I'll see how.

Alright I'm off, but before I leave: Could we talk?
I'm rarely at a loss for words. As far as I'm concerned, talking is a natural biological function, like breathing - I do it all the time. Yet you can hold your breath for hours even days at a time. The silence is defeaning. "Is something bothering you?" I ask, even though I realize that trying to pull the words from your mouth is as pointless as trying to make a telephone call when the line is dead.



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